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RHP Law Firm is the answer.


The alumni of the Indonesia Islamic University, a former student activist, is now entering the world of Advocates with many dealing with criminal cases of disadvantaged communities and corporate criminal cases. The networking ability of foreign bureancracy and corporate networks now brings this young advocate to be trusted by several employers for foreign cooperation relations. As a business consultant and legal consultant he is now trusted to be the chairman of the D.I Yogyakarta Legal Consultant and Legal Counsel (IKHAPI) DPW, as chairman of the DPW Association of Indonesia Legal Auditors (ASAHI) D.I Yogyakarta, chairman of the Law Sales Forum Indonesia (FSI) and as deputy chairman of the Indonesia Advocates Association DPD D.I Yogyakarta region.


As a legal practitioner who is experienced in handling various national-scale legal cases, especially business law. Curently, leads a legal services institution as managing partners at AIL AMIR & ASSOCIATES Law Firm and ARI YUSUF, SINGAJURU & PARTNERS (AUS) Law Firm. This young advocate was born in Palembang completed his legal studies at the Faculty of Law, at Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta, have a Master’s degree in Business Law at the University of Indonesia, and completed a doctorate study program at the Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta, and today, he serves as a General Secretary of IKA UII


Postgraduate Faculty of Social & Politics, at Gajah Mada University, and Doctorate Program at The Islamic University of Indonesia. As a Chair of the Judicial Commission since 2013,he was active in various campus activities and eventually served as a lecturer at the Law Faculty of The Islamic University of Indonesia (FH UII) and two years after he got the opportunity to become an Assistant of Dean III of The Faculty of Law at Islamic University of Indonesia until 1995. Between 1998 – 2000 he was being the head of LKBH FH UII. In addition to lecturers, he held the position of chairperson of the Provincial KPU (D.I. Yogyakarta) for the period 2003 – 2008, and the Director of PUSHAM – UII from 2000 until June 2010.

Dr. Ir. Hamdi Buldan, M.T. (COUNSELOR)

This Construction Management expert completed his education at the Islamic University of Indonesia, Bachelor and Master Degree was majoring in Civil Engineering, and got Doctorate Program was majoring in Islamic Financial Economics at the Faculty of Economics. He has various work experiences such as Assistant Lecturer of the Civil Engineering Department of UII Yogyakarta, Site Engineer of the UII Yogyakarta Campus Project, and Director of PT. Mitra Artista Interbuana Yogyakarta, President Director of PT. Muara Mitra Mandiri, President Commissioner of PT. Exploring Engineering Consultants, and also Permanent Lecturers at the Architecture Study Program, AMIKOM University Yogyakarta to date.

Heni Kusuma Caya, S.T. (COUNSELOR)

An alumna from Tirtayasa University with a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering. She has expertise in being a Management Advisor, has a great experience in managing a company as well such as, project management, financial modeling, and how to manage large scale organizations in terms of the number of resources and budget. Now, she serves as a Chief Financial Officer at PT. Space Technology and President Commisioner at PT. Mega Daya Tangguh.

M. Syamsul Arifin, S.H. (PARTNER)

An Alumnus of the Faculty of Law at The Islamic University of Indonesia, become secretary of the board of Indonesian Consumer LKBH, the board of Advocates' Organization. Various experiences of legal issues that have been handled such as are labor law, criminal cases, civil cases, as well as cases of banking disputes, especially bad credit, electoral disputes and others.

Latifa Mustafida, S.H., M.Kn. (PARTNER)

An Alumna of Faculty Sharia and Law at The State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and Master of Notary Law at Islamic University of Indonesia. She was a Senior Assistant in Moelyadi SH, MH, C.LA Law Office, the ead of the DPD Indonesian Advocates Association (IKADIN) Yogyakarta Year from 2018 - 2022 periods. She presently has a position as a Land Deed Official in Sleman Regency and Lecturer of Law at The University of Cokro Aminoto Yogyakarta

Kariska Wijayanti, S.H., M.H. (PARTNER)

An alumna of Muhammadiyah University and has Master’s Degree of Law at Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta. The fields controlled by management are handling civil cases and Islamic economis law, particularly sharia banking law which includes consultations, legal research, mediation, non-litigation and litigation. Chairperson Secretariat of the IKADIN DIY DPD Yogyakarta.

Bambang Rimalio S.W, S.H., C.L.A. (Senior Associates)

An Advocate and Legal Consultant, who has a Bachelor’s degree in Law at Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang. He is an enthusiastic learner, the young advocate has plentyful education and train experience such as Professional Education for Legal Auditor at Jimly School & the Association of Indonesian Legal Auditors (ASAHI) and got the competency title of Certified Legal Auditor (C.L.A). The various intern experiences, Intern at the Legal Aid Consultation Center Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang, Volunteer NGO Asa PKBI Central Java, and also was being organizational activities that have been followed as DPW ASAHI DIY Training Division, Head of the Information and Public Relations of DPP ASPEG Indonesia, the chairman of Training Division of DPP ASPEG Indonesia, Head of Inter-Institutional Cooperation of PBH PERADI SLEMAN, and Head of Advocacy and Business Ethics Division of the Nahdliyin Entrepreneurs Association (HPN) Yogyakarta Region.

Lisa Pardani, S.H.I. (Senior Associates)

An Advocate and Legal Consultant, graduated from Sunan Kalijaga University (UIN) Yogyakarta was majoring Islamic Law. Expert in Family Law, Company Law, Employment Law, Banking Law, and etc. Has experience as an In House Lawyer at Islamic Financial Institutions Business Partners of Bantul Community, was being a lecture assistant at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University (UIN) Yogyakarta between 2015-2018. She also became an Instructor in the Legal Opinion and Legal Audit Training of the Legal Department of Bank Indonesia which held by UVI Consultant in 2018, she is currently a member of the Organization of the Branch Management Board of the Yogyakarta City Sharia Lawyers Association (APSI).

Muhammad Andzar Amar, S.H (Senior Associates)

Graduate of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University Indonesia (UII) in 2015 with a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree, with an educational focus on banking, corporate finance,  and securities. This young advocate is an expert in professional corporate and litigation law. who is domiciled in Jakarta. During his studies, he was active in several student organizations, such as the Islamic Student Association, the Head of the Student Representative Chamber External Commission, the Law Drafting Team, and the Head of the Law Faculty International Student Organization.

Muhammad Ghani Pradipta, S.H

Feryan Harto Nugroho, SH., C.PS, C.MSP, C.NSP (Senior Associates)

Alumni of the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia. He is an advocate who lives in Yogyakarta. Advocates who have Certified Public Speaking (C.PS) skills from Edu Learning Academy, Certified Mediation Skill Practitioner (C.MSP) from Edu Learning Academy, Certified Negotiation Skill Practitioner (C.NSP) from Edu Learning Academy, as well as expertise in the fields of criminal law, civil law and business law.This Yogyakarta Young Advocate is also active in various organizations. As a professional advocate who serves as Chair of the DIY Province Indonesian Advocates Congress (ADVOKAI). Chairman of the DIY Anti-Drug Movement (GRANAT) and Secretary of the DPD IKA UII Sleman.

Edo Segara Gustanto, S.E., M.E (Management Consultant​)

Alumni of the Faculty of Economics, Islamic University of Indonesia, is an academic, lecturer, and practitioner of Islamic banking domiciled in Yogyakarta and has expertise in Islamic banking, Islamic economics, business, and corporate management. He is also active in various organizations. Management of LAZISNU PWNU DIY. Head of Program at BAZNAS Disaster Response, Sleman As well as the Treasurer of the DPD Sleman IKA UII.